
For decades, Columbia 300 has been revered as a leader in providing outstanding Entry-Level options, and it was one of our goals to preserve this reputation by introducing familiar products in this category. The Beast is a main staple of the Columbia 300 line. There are several color options as well as hybrid options for added performance.


Series Beast
Part Number 60-106303-93X
Blue Pearl
Core Beast
Coverstock Bend-It
Cover Type Pearl Reactive
Finish 500 Siaair / Crown Factory Compound / Crown Factory Polish
Weights 16-10 Pounds
Lane Condition Light oil
Reaction Skid / Flip
Warranty Two years from purchase date 

Core Numbers

16lb 15lb 14lb
13lb 12lb 11lb 10lb
RG 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.590 2.620 2.769 2.800
DIFF 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.002 0.002



Info Sheet

Ball Talker

Flip Card



Beast Blue Pearl Bowling Ball

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